
Progress not perfection

Before..... TA-DA! Notice the closed closet door to the left? Well, yeah..... about that closet.  An embarrassing quantity of batting, boxes of fleece (why?) and flannel, bolts of interfacing, rolls of decorator fabrics....... There are two walk in closets in this space and before I tackle the rest of the room it would help to get them into shape. In the course of things, cleaning up the area immediately adjacent to the sewing machine seems like a small thing but it's very important that a beginning has been made. Creating and making are central to my mental health; not being able to work has dark repercussions. Thanks Cheryl for allowing a non-blogger to jump in. Who knows, maybe I'll keep up the progress reports on Beanstrings.  - Carma Upcoming HOP Bloggers May 15 - Jessica Darling - May 16 - Lisa Chin - May 17 - Sally Johnson - May 18 - Mandy Leins - www.mandalei.

So it begins

Hi! My name is Carma and I am a lifelong maker. Before that term was coined I struggled with labels. My loves - textiles, clay, wood - all seemed too functional to be art but craft got no respect. Twelve years ago I made a cafe. Literally. Framed out and drywalled the kitchen, made the first cups, built the tables and benches, designed and built the pastry case, made cushions and pillows for the benches, designed the signage and hanging hardware, etc. You get the idea. Then we opened the door. All I've made in the last 12 years is food. Sure, I switched from fabric and quilting to knitting for its portability and there have been projects here and there for the cafe or as a gift but I haven't had a functioning studio in more than 10 years. Time for that to change. And I know what a joy a neat, organized studio can be so I'm using Cheryl's Spring Cleaning Blog Hop as motivation. Here we go.....