So. I’ve been composing posts in my head as I’ve worked my way through the last, um, two weeks? Ouch. And there’s been a great deal going on that I should really have written about. One of the reasons for the silence in the first week was that the weather here in upstate NY was just *too* gorgeous–a taste of the awesomeness of spring and summer. There was much playing outdoors with the kiddies, the water toys were brought out for splashing, and, to quote Steinbeck, “the world was spinning in greased grooves.”
Maybe that kiss of warm and dulcet air was the reason that the creative juices really started flowing, because it’s been a whirlwind of activity here. I’ve been working on my friend’s quilt, and it’s close to completion (pics and story to follow). Two other ladies and I have begun the Saratoga Modern Quilt Guild, of which I am already thrilled and proud to be a part. I’m going to MQX for the first time in a little under 2 weeks. And yesterday, I made it to a quilting estate sale quite by accident, and ended up with the most amazing batik collection (about 87 yards), some great Japanese prints, a full 1930s fat quarter collection, and a bunch of other stuff for approximately a buck a yard.
All of which is awesome, but is part of the reason I haven’t posted, much as I wanted to. Posting means less time sewing and quilting! Something to ponder moving forward, because I think posting is important and I like to do it.
it is tough to do it all:-) Go sew!