Remember a while ago how I said that I loved the anticipation of making lists and getting ready to go? Well, it occurred to me today that it’s a classic procrastination technique, when used properly. “I can’t do X or Y because I need Z tool/class/technique/miracle.” In my case, I really dislike lacking proficiency, and since I can’t do it right the first time, I must be no good, so I might as well quit, bah humbug, I’m taking my toys and going home!
Except, I need to get over that. That’s what practice is for. I’m not oging ot be perfect right away (or even soon!), and I need to be OK with that. Perhaps I should think of this as a valuable life lesson.
“I’m not oging ot be perfect” — No, you’re not *oging* to be perfect, but if you were perfect, you wouldn’t do all of the little things that everyone else loves you for 🙂