I have been bust behind the scenes getting things set up for an Etsy shop, and it’s finally live, right here! I’m pretty happy with it, and my friend Serena of Serena Savage Designs put together the logo for me, after I told her I wanted something that was reminiscent of selvedge, but which was bright and happy. Serena, you are the best!
In other new, I have also set myself up with business insurance so that I can have a booth at my first art/craft fair here in Saratoga Springs, NY. While the fair will be every Thursday from 10-4 between June 21 and September 28 at Pavilion Park (where the Farmer’s Market is in the summers), I will be there only 5 of those days: I need time to make my inventory, and since it’s my first time out at a fair, I thought I’d cut myself a break. I also need to find childcare for those days, since I don’t think hanging out with me is a) fair to the kids or b) fair to me or c) fair to the customers!
In the meantime, here are some things I have finished. One is for sale, but one is a quilt I made for a dear friend.
congrats! love your new banner!
Love your blog, that quilt is amazing!