Spent 3 hours outside today (sunny and 47 with ice melting on the ground counts as Spring, right?) with my my sweet girl who couldn’t get enough of the wind and the sun and the squashy ground and the swinging! And sliding! and the blowing of bubbles! To chase!
The tradeoff is that I didn’t get any work completed. Granted, the work is self-imposed as I practice the hell out of things and try to get samples ready to write up, and I did send off a quilt+article today, but… I can foresee that delightful weather and delightful times will mean very little headway is made, professionally, unless I figure out a plan of babysitting, etc. And, frankly, that ignores the whole point of being a SAHM. I’m wondering what other working SAHMs do. I’m hoping someone reads this and lets me know 🙂
Hey lady, sounds like an amazing day! Like you I maximize naptimes (when available) and quiet times (20 mins of tv here or there). You’re doing great:).
what a great day!
i was a sahm.
now i am an empty nester.
enjoy these days, they are fleeting.
i promise you will never regret it.
trust me on this one.