For those times when you leave blood on something, whether from stabbing yourself with a pin or slicing into your finger on accident with a seam ripper, the best way to get the blood out is to spit on it. Yeah, it’s been one of *those* days, complete with cursing and pouting and no sleep thanks to the NCAA finals last night. Once you start bleeding on a project, I feel it’s like when you bite your cheek: now it’s all swollen you’ll just keep biting it.
Aside from the fact that spitting relieves my feelings, I believe the enzymes in saliva help break down the hemoglobin, which is the staining agent in the blood (OK Ms. Biologist, you know who you are, please step in to correct me here, since I am quoting Modern Jackass). Of course, you could do the genteel thing and just wet a finger and *then* dab your lady-like spit on, but it all depends on your level of aggravation.
Whatever. Do it. It works. Then wash it, using your normal gentle spot treatment or not if you wish, in cold water with detergent. For really big blood stains, I like Charlie’s Soap, which I found during my cloth diapering days and which I adore. I’d marry my bucket if it would be at all satisfying. Not affiliated. Just wildly enamored.
I have any things to tell after my vacation: the planets aligned in a weird way! two projects! Quilt classes I will be taking This weekend! but right now, I am working on a project with fabric given to me by my one of my fave quilting people. I hope to have something to show you today, but that all depends on the way the wind blows.
Take it easy y’all. Happy sewing!
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