This post is part of the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge
I’ve been meaning to make playlists for myself for a while, and finally got around to making some on my youtube playslists. These are just the start, and I plan on adding to them, but I thought I’d share. I can’t believe I don’t have my 80s list even started yet, but, like, whatever. It will happen.
In any case, here’s my set of playlists. What do you listen to when you work? I have different genres for different needs, ha!
- Mostly Blues with a lot of guitar
2. Songs for ruler work (these are short, but I listen to the whole album for each of these songs)
3. Crank It Out Work Jams (i.e. dance music) (I usually play full albums for these, too)
Nice music…. love the bluesy guitar! Always happy to find some new music to listen to!