This has been a long time in the works, and I am ridiculously pleased to share with you my new logo and design for Mandalei Quilts! I hope you take some time to poke around and see what is there. I wanted to share with you the story behind the designs, and to give you the names and links of the wonderful people who designed them for me.
When I first started thinking about telling the story around the work that I do, I started asking aorund for ideas on how to get started. If you’re thinking about that for yourself, definitely read up on the process first (I’m normally a good researcher but this kind of stuff scares me a bit). When I felt like I had an OK handle on things, I asked David Woods, the guy behind Group of One and the designer of the Sew OK to design it.
I wanted my logo to reflect my book that I’m so proud of, and to give the sense of adventure, of trying new things, of placing a pin on a map, of planting you’re flag when you’ve discovered something new for yourself. I think he did just the perfect job, and I am so grateful he worked with me patiently through the back-and-forth as we figured out tweaks.
Once I had the logo, I could then think about how I wanted to have it work with the site design. My good friend Maddie owner of Spool and leader extraordinaire at BadAss Quilter’s Society highly recommended Lee Drozak, a web designer who specializes in WordPress and e-commerce. I sent her my logo files, and explained that the colors were from one of my favorite quilts for the book, as was the font, and I wanted to carry that throughout.
I am deeply happy with the result, and think she and her team did a wonderful and thorough job. I highly recommend Lee and David to you, if you’re looking to do the same.
I hope you join me on this adventure as my quilting companions; I am really looking forward to the future, exploring new techniques and sharing the journey!
Thanks for the shout out. I loved helping you bring your vision to reality and with the quality logo design David contributed it was stress free to give you a look you loved. You were the perfect client and this is a favorite project.