So I’ve been working with lots and lots of fabrics lately, some bundled and some not. Some of my choices are quite close in color, and some come from different collections, but need to be eventually grouped together in a project. I like to prewash, so colors that are similar all get washed together. But, yeah. You can see how this might be a problem, breaking up groups. Or remembering quickly which is which. Hrmph.
So here it is. The should-have-done-this-sooner tip.

Write the name on the darn selvedge with permanent ink before washing. That’s it. Then write the name on it again, if you cut it off.
Seriously. *facepalm*
I’m off to go do this with all my various shades of white and not-white, including company name. Some of them are awfully close. While I liked the final look of the white and snow together well enough to incorporate it into many more quilts (this quilt is maybe 3 or 4 years old?), sometimes you don’t actually want that. If, like me, you work in sometimes less than ideal lighting conditions, then knowing what’s what can make a hell of a difference.
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